A disciple is a follower - a disciple of Christ is a follower of Christ.  Discipleship is the process of growing into deeper, more complete disciples of Christ through the equipping of the Holy Spirit to become more Christlike.  In order to become better disciples we must continue to deepen our faith and understanding of Scripture.  Discipleship is a deep process, not a wide process.  We must be disciples before we can make disciples and at Aley we believe that an important part of this is discipleship together in community.

Rest and self-care are so important. When you take time to replenish your spirit, it allows you to serve others from the overflow. You cannot serve from an empty vessel.” -Eleanor Brown

Sunday Mornings

You're invited to join us for one of several opportunities to dive deeper into Scripture with community on Sunday mornings.  Each class starts at approximately 9:40a.m. - or following the conclusion of the 8:30a.m. service.  

Feel free to swing by the Hospitality Center to grab a drink before joining a group for fellowship and discipleship.

The Great Courses of the Bible: The History of Christianity II from the Reformation to the Modern Megachurch

   Location: Room 204

The History of Christianity II From the Reformation to the Modern Megachurch. Presented on DVD by Dr. Molly Worthem from U of NC at Chapel Hill.

Today, churches are shrinking in much of Europe and North America.  The faith's center of gravity has shifted to the Global South. By 2050, about three-quarters of the world's Christians will live in Africa, Asia, and Latin America, where both democratic reformers and authoritarian strongmen have claimed the power of Christ on their side, and believers call on the Holy Spirit to battle demons and witches who haunt everyday life.

In this course, we'll explore the complex journey of the Christian faith from the turn of the 16th century to our present day, following the radical transformations as well as the continuities. 

Cultivating Relationships: "A Study in James - Volume Two" from Alistair Begg

   Location: Room 201/203

Written to scattered believers facing a variety of troubles, the Epistle of James takes as its focus a universally relevant question: How are God’s people to live in God’s world? This side of heaven, trials and tribulations crowd into our lives, confronting us with failure and tears, doubts and disappointments, cries and groanings. In response, James offers us practical help, with an eye toward not becoming Christians so much as behaving as those who have been redeemed “by the word of truth.”

Fellowship Bible Study Class: God's Exceptional Choice       

   Location: Parlor/Fellowship/Room 208

This class utilizes the "International Sunday School Lessons" curriculum.   Student booklets are available for free at the class on Sunday mornings or anytime through the church office. 

Women's Sunday School Class: Participating in the Pastor's Advent Study "First Christmas: Stories from the Birth of Christ" through 12/18

"Renewed: Finding Hope When You Don't Like Your Story" from Heather Dixon (beginning January 7)

   Location: Room 202

In the Book of Ruth, Naomi was forced to chart a new path even as she mourned the loss of her husband and two sons. It was a hard story…a story she didn’t choose or like. Using Naomi’s story, Renewed, a four-week woman’s Bible study, teaches women to flourish through a willingness to trust that God can transform them and trade their heartache for hope.

Weekday Opportunities

Journeyers Bible Study: Mondays 9:30a.m. - 11:30a.m.                                                                                                            

   Location: Room 201

The Journeyers Bible Study class is beginning a new study with "Understanding the New Testament". This study consists of 24 videos approximately ½-hour each with discussion afterwards. These videos don’t go through the New Testament in the order that the books appear, but rather by when they are thought to have been written. The narrator is Dr. David Brakke, a Professor of History at OSU. There is no study workbook required. The Journeyers meet on Monday mornings from 9:30 to 11:00 in room 201/203. For further information concerning this class please contact either Charles Sexton, or Bill Noble

Men's Bible Study: Wednesdays 10:00a.m. - 11:00a.m.        

   Location: Room 202

Our goal is to grow in our spiritual lives through studying Scripture and through fellowship with other Christian men. We selected a book of the Bible and study one chapter at a time. We then review different theologians' interpretations of that chapter and conclude by sharing our thoughts with the group. All men are welcome to join regardless of age or where they worship.