Serving together and gathering together are both vital parts of community at Aley. 

To best live into this, we often need to know who is coming so we can ensure we're well prepared! 

Below you'll find sign-up links ways to get involved in serving opportunities or other ministry happenings that require RSVP.


Serving others is a way to actively show the love and grace of God and is essential to living out our call to "Love People."

"But among you it will be different. Whoever wants to be a leader among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first among you must be the slave of everyone else. For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve others and to give his life as a ransom for many.” - Mark 10:43-45 (NLT)

  • St. Paul's lunch

    We will prepare to serve around 150 people at St. Paul UMC on Tuesday, August 20, 2024.  Our menu will be goulash, green beans, Jell-O salad, rolls, and Texas sheet cake or brownies.  We need donations of food along with drinks, paper products, and supplies. Please consider helping with this worthwhile endeavor. Please have your items to the church before 10 am on August 20th.  Any questions, please reach out to Susan Lehneis or Bonnie Essex. 

    Click here to sign up

  • School bags

    The United Women in Faith is in need of school bags. Do you like to sew? Have some extra time this summer? The School Bags will be filled this August and given to children in need. Fifty bags are given to St. Paul's UMC in Dayton and the rest to Church World Services to be sent wherever needed. Please call / text Susan Lehneis if you need fabric to make bags.

    Click here for the pattern to make bags.

  • Dream Center Mission service

    Join us in mission by serving at the Dayton Dream Center! On August 31, 11am-3pm we'll help with their community meal, clothing closet, laundry ministry, and possibly a few other areas. The Dream Center is a great local mission that serves Dayton and is "dedicated to providing support and resources to the people of Dayton affected by poverty, addiction, abuse, joblessness and educational opportunity gaps." Go to to learn more about what they do. Students under 14 must have an accompanying adult. 

    Please note in your sign up if you need a job that allows you to sit down. 

    Click here to sign up


See below to RSVP for current events and activities, let us know you're coming so we can be ready!

  • Mini-Camp Celebration

    August 11 at 6pm we'll be celebrating and remembering all the fun we had with summer mini-camps! Come check out a sampling of what happened at each mini-camp, try out some things hands-on, and enjoy dinner in the parking lot/pavilion. Stick around for a family-friendly movie after the celebration.

    Click here to RSVP

  • dinner church group night

    The Adult Ministries team would like to extend an invitation to every Aleyan for the first Dinner Group/Dinner Church Night. This will start with a catered meal on August 11th at 6PM. Our current Dinner Groups are invited to attend, as well as, take the opportunity to extend invitations to others that might be looking to join a new dinner group as a way of connecting with others and experiencing an informal worship. We will have a time of worship followed by information regarding existing and new dinner groups.

    Click here to RSVP



    We are in need of a nursery to better minister to young families who are attending Aley! The nursery will provide care for infants and toddlers during worship. For this to happen, we need volunteers! If you would like to be part of a nursery volunteer rotation, please contact Susan Grinkemeyer.


    Providing a warm welcome to those who come to worship on Sunday mornings is a vital part of providing extravagant hospitality. If you'd like to help welcome people to Aley, open doors, and provide a welcoming smile, we'd love to have you serving as a Greeter. Ushers are another vital part of our hospitality team at Aley; ushers welcome worshipers, pass out bulletins and announcements, and assist with collecting the offering. Please email the office if you're interested in serving as a Greeter or an Usher. 


    We're seeking volunteers to help set up and run the Coffee Cafe on Sunday mornings. All supplies and directions are provided, we're seeking willing hands and smiling face. This is an opportunity for individuals, or groups; please email the office and let us know if you're willing to serve as a coffee cafe volunteer.


    It takes a team to create a smooth, technologically enhanced worship service (both live and in person) each Sunday. If you have any interest in helping run cameras, projectors, sound, or the livestream, please email Adam Clark; all training will be provided!