Serving together and gathering together are both vital parts of community at Aley.
To best live into this, we often need to know who is coming so we can ensure we're well prepared!
Below you'll find sign-up links and ways to get involved.
Serving together and gathering together are both vital parts of community at Aley.
To best live into this, we often need to know who is coming so we can ensure we're well prepared!
Below you'll find sign-up links and ways to get involved.
Serving others is a way to actively show the love and grace of God and is essential to living out our call to "Love People."
"But among you it will be different. Whoever wants to be a leader among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first among you must be the slave of everyone else. For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve others and to give his life as a ransom for many.” - Mark 10:43-45 (NLT)
Dayton Dream Center
Dayton Dream Center, located at 2720 E 3rd St, Dayton, is one of Aley’s missions. It is dedicated to addressing critical needs by connecting people to a community of support. It is a faith based , nonprofit , outreach center.
The Dream Center provides hot meals 3 times a week, showers, laundry machines and clothing closet. There are after school programs, GED and Culinary Arts programs, re-entry support and addiction/recovery meetings.
Volunteers are a cheerful support to guests coming in for services, encouraging and praying for their specific needs. Currently, 3 Aleyans volunteer weekly- join us and experience the Dream Center!
Safe Sanctuary Training
Growing kids and youth in our Aley family is important business for all of us! Anyone who currently works with our young people or intends to do so needs to complete Safe Sanctuaries Training. The purpose of this training is to reliably provide a safe space for our kids, students, and volunteers as we work together to seek the kingdom of God! Please consider this training if you are a volunteer with Aley Kids or YAA, if you want to volunteer with VBS or any of the other summer mini-camps, if you are interested in chaperoning youth camp, if you are a Care Partner, or if you think it might be a good opportunity for you!
Safe Sanctuaries training requires an annual refresher. This year the training/refresher will take place on Sunday, March 2 at 11:45 am, directly after church. We will eat lunch and have our training (in an entertaining, creative style!) and be done by 1:00 pm. Please sign up so we know you are coming (and have enough lunch!).
Questions? Contact Susan Grinkemeyer (
Membership Conversations
New Year, New Connections at Aley UMC!
Start your journey with us—Love God. Love People. Make Disciples.
Ways to Get Connected:
Feb 9 @ Noon – You Belong Here Conversation with Pastor Laurie & pizza! (Not a membership class.)
Membership Gatherings: Feb 23, Mar 9, Mar 23 (12:15–2 PM, lunch included). Need childcare or Zoom? Let Pastor Laurie know in Signup Genius.
We’ll celebrate new members on March 30 during worship!
Join the story—you belong here!
St. Paul's Breakfast
Donations Needed for St. Paul’s:
Drop-off in Aley's Refrigerator (casseroles label "St. Paul"):
Water Drop-off:
Questions? Call/text Susan Lehneis at 937-901-4398
Potato Casserole:
YAA Neon Night
Students in grades 6-12 are invited for a night full of lots of food, lots of games, lots of neon! Dinner will be provided and there will be a prize for the best neon outfit of the night! Students should enter door 2 and meet in the youth space. Please include the name(s) of youth attending in the comment of your RSVP.
If you have questions, please email Pastor Laurie (
RSVP by February 17!
See below to RSVP for current events and activities, let us know you're coming so we can be ready!
YAA Fun in the Dirt!
Students in grades 6-12 are invited to come February 9 to enjoy lunch (including dirt pudding!) and then play with some dirt to help prepare the soil for The Growing Space seed starters later this spring. Come eat, have fun in the dirt, and hang out together - bring your own gloves (optional). Please include the name(s) of youth attending in the comment of your RSVP. If you have questions, please email Pastor Laurie (
YAA Spring Retreat
Join us as we head to Camp Lebanon for a Spring Retreat for students in grades 6-12! Students are encouraged to bring friends and cost is $50 per student, financial assistance available if needed.
Our retreat will offer an opportunity to get away, connect with God and each other, be in nature, and have lots of fun! Camp Lebanon offers lots of outdoor space for exploring and playing and several opportunities for activity; we’ll also have some indoor game space. Our theme for the retreat is "Irreplaceable" - Who is Jesus? We’re called to spend our lives following him and becoming more like him. But do we really know who we’re following? As we dive into Jesus’ “I Am” statements, we will discover who Jesus is and who we’re called to be. Jesus is irreplaceable!
Sign up and place registration payment in the offering plate labelled “Youth Retreat (students name)”.
We are in need of a nursery to better minister to young families who are attending Aley! The nursery will provide care for infants and toddlers during worship. For this to happen, we need volunteers! If you would like to be part of a nursery volunteer rotation, please contact Susan Grinkemeyer.
Providing a warm welcome to those who come to worship on Sunday mornings is a vital part of providing extravagant hospitality. If you'd like to help welcome people to Aley, open doors, and provide a welcoming smile, we'd love to have you serving as a Greeter. Ushers are another vital part of our hospitality team at Aley; ushers welcome worshipers, pass out bulletins and announcements, and assist with collecting the offering. Please email the office if you're interested in serving as a Greeter or an Usher.
We're seeking volunteers to help set up and run the Coffee Cafe on Sunday mornings. All supplies and directions are provided, we're seeking willing hands and smiling face. This is an opportunity for individuals, or groups; please email the office and let us know if you're willing to serve as a coffee cafe volunteer.
It takes a team to create a smooth, technologically enhanced worship service (both live and in person) each Sunday. If you have any interest in helping run cameras, projectors, sound, or the livestream, please email Adam Clark; all training will be provided!